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Rhyl College introduces new college shuttle bus with the help of Alpine Travel 

Rhyl College introduces new college shuttle bus with the help of Alpine Travel 

Alpine Travel has just made it a whole lot easier for students to get to Rhyl College with their new shuttle bus arrangements. Thanks to this exciting initiative, students can now arrive at the College on time, in a safe and comfortable manner.

Rhyl College has partnered with Alpine Travel to bring forward this new transportation system, which operates between Rhyl Bus/Railway Station and the College. This shuttle bus service is available each morning and afternoon, ensuring that students can attend their classes without any delays.

Alpine Travel is a highly reputed transport provider, known for its punctuality, safety measures and superior customer service. Students can rest assured that they will be in good hands with experienced drivers and comfortable buses.

The new shuttle bus arrangements have received positive feedback from the College community, with students expressing their gratitude for this thoughtful and practical solution. The College hopes that this new service will encourage more students to enrol and pursue their education with Rhyl College.

Overall, the initiative taken by Rhyl College and Alpine Travel to provide this service is commendable. It not only simplifies the daily commute of students but also contributes towards a sustainable future by reducing carbon emissions. Rhyl College and Alpine Travel partnership is indeed a step forward in creating a brighter future for students.

Find out more here

Coleg y Rhyl yn cyflwyno bws gwennol coleg newydd gyda chymorth Alpine Travel

Mae Alpine Travel newydd ei gwneud hi'n llawer haws i fyfyrwyr gyrraedd Coleg y Rhyl gyda'u trefniadau bws gwennol newydd. Diolch i'r fenter gyffrous hon, gall myfyrwyr nawr gyrraedd y Coleg ar amser, mewn modd diogel a chyfforddus.

Mae Coleg y Rhyl wedi partneru gydag Alpine Travel i gyflwyno'r system drafnidiaeth newydd hon, sy'n gweithredu rhwng Gorsaf Fws/Rheilffordd y Rhyl a'r Coleg. Mae'r gwasanaeth bws gwennol hwn ar gael bob bore a phrynhawn, gan sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn gallu mynychu eu dosbarthiadau heb unrhyw oedi.

Mae Alpine Travel yn ddarparwr trafnidiaeth honedig iawn, sy'n adnabyddus am ei brydlondeb, mesurau diogelwch a'i wasanaeth cwsmeriaid uwchraddol. Gall myfyrwyr fod yn dawel eu meddwl y byddant mewn dwylo da gyda gyrwyr profiadol a bysiau cyfforddus.

Mae'r trefniadau bws gwennol newydd wedi cael adborth cadarnhaol gan gymuned y Coleg, gyda myfyrwyr yn mynegi eu diolchgarwch am yr ateb meddylgar ac ymarferol hwn. Mae'r Coleg yn gobeithio y bydd y gwasanaeth newydd hwn yn annog mwy o fyfyrwyr i gofrestru a dilyn eu haddysg gyda Choleg y Rhyl.

Ar y cyfan, mae'r fenter a gymerwyd gan Goleg y Rhyl a Alpine Travel i ddarparu'r gwasanaeth hwn yn ganmoladwy. Mae nid yn unig yn symleiddio cymudo dyddiol myfyrwyr ond hefyd yn cyfrannu tuag at ddyfodol cynaliadwy trwy leihau allyriadau carbon. Mae Partneriaeth Teithio Coleg y Rhyl ac Alpine yn gam ymlaen yn wir i greu dyfodol mwy disglair i fyfyrwyr.

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